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Let’s get to know the GreenVETAfrica Partners better!

- Can you tell us a bit more about your role in the GreenVETAfrica project?
Whizzy Academy’s main role in the GreenVETAfrica project is to lead on Work Package 3 which is Designing the green waste management VET programmes. This involves the following:
- Creating the tools, programmes and learning materials to build the capacity of the VET providers in Ghana and Nigeria;
- Piloting the remote expert solutions within the Train-The-Trainers programme;
- Deploying the Train-The-Trainers programme transferring pedagogical approaches, teaching and training materials and methods.
In addition to spearheading the WP3, Whizzy Academy is charged with executing additional responsibilities, including Task 4.4 within WP4. This particular undertaking pertains to the Post-program evaluation and refinement/finalization of the methodology and training materials for learners.
In accordance with WP5, Whizzy Academy bears the responsibility of executing Task 5.3, which involves the promotion of successful matchmaking between VET learners and employers. This crucial undertaking entails the curation of matchmaking endeavors, wherein CVs of learners are developed, a networking event is organized to facilitate interviews with employers, learner profiles are published online and learners are advertised as testimonials in the press.
- What do you think is the biggest challenge facing the waste management sector in Africa?
There are several challenges facing the waste management sector in Africa, that includes:
- Lack of infrastructures and resources;
- Inadequate awareness creation and education on the importance of proper waste management practices;
- Lack of government policies and regulations prioritizing waste management and sustainable practices;
- Limited funding and investment in the waste management sector.
Out of these, the biggest challenge in waste management in Africa lies in the insufficiency of awareness-raising efforts regarding the significance of proper waste disposal practices. It is a widespread occurrence for individuals in the region to exhibit a lack of consideration and responsibility in handling waste materials. To address this issue, promoting behavioural change through targeted education and awareness-raising campaigns holds great potential in tackling many challenges within the waste management sector.
- What do you think is going to be the biggest long-term impact of the project?
GreenVETAfrica is poised to revolutionize the Waste Management Industries in the beneficiary countries of Ghana and Nigeria. By providing avenues for the youth to participate in the Waste Management sector, we will lead the charge towards sustainable waste management practices. Our innovative approach includes the integration of digital technologies for teaching, which will equip learners with cutting-edge ideas and methodologies. Our commitment to the youth in the TVET institutions extends beyond the lifetime of our project, as we will make all training materials and methodologies available as open source. GreenVETAfrica sets the standard for excellence in Waste Management Industries and will continue to positively impact the lives of the youth in Ghana and Nigeria for many years to come.
- What do you think is the added value of addressing the Waste Management Industry’s issues through an international cooperation project?
GreenVETAfrica endeavors to cultivate cross-border cooperation with global partners, including European nations such as Italy and Spain. Through this alliance, partners will be able to exchange knowledge on waste management, with the more seasoned European partners imparting their expertise to their African counterparts.
Furthermore, the implementation of this project will result in the provision of waste management education to TVET institutions in African nations, a program that has already been successfully implemented in various European countries.